Preventing, Protecting, Preserving
Badgers and their Habitats

Badgers are lovely, but are often uninvited guests onto our properties and can be a headache for homeowners and businesses when they decide to move in too close.

Setts near your property can mean damage to building foundations, landscaping, disturbances to other wildlife and also some badgers carry diseases such as tuberculosis.

Operating in South East England, Peter Higgs, a seasoned professional with over 15 years of wild animal management experience is committed to delivering solutions tailored to the unique needs of both badgers and property owners.

  • Protection:

    Safeguarding badgers from harm and ensuring their safety amidst human activities.

  • Preservation

    Enhancing and maintaining habitats to support the thriving badger population.

  • Prevention

    Implementing proven strategies to mitigate conflicts, ensuring harmony between badgers and humans.

Environmentally friendly

Peter’s profound understanding and hands-on experience in the field empower Badger Gone to adopt a proactive approach, grounded in the balance between human and wildlife coexistence. His nuanced insights into badger behaviour and habitat needs ensure that our methods are not only effective but also humane and eco-friendly.

Badger Protection and Prevention

At Badger Gone, we are your dedicated partners in badger preservation, offering specialised services to ensure these magnificent creatures are not only protected but also thrive in their natural habitat. Interfering with a Badger sett can result in a £5,000 fine per animal or imprisonment.